Welcome to my studio…
…where you can hold a sunset in your hand, capture a daydream to hang upon your wall, find an heirloom-quality gift, or your own creative courage.
I’m Richele Baburina — an artist, nature journalist, and art educator. Inspired by nature, I create ethereal landscapes & botanical art, and help others do the same.
As a child, my mother would take out her sketchpad and let my siblings and me take turns naming subjects for her to draw. We watched in delight while birds and buildings took shape on the paper as she fulfilled each of our commissions. Each time my turn came around I would ask for the same thing—a rabbit. The humor of this repeated request for rabbits led to my childhood nickname, Ricochet Rabbit, which subsequently became the name of my studio. Now I have the pleasure of fulfilling commissions and hope to make others just as delighted.
Find additional artwork at Impressions Fine Art Gallery in Kingsport, Tennessee & upcoming issues of Common Place Quarterly magazine. Experience my tutorials in Wild+Free magazine & Charlotte Mason Poetry or gain an artist’s hand and eye with step-by-step watercolor lessons in Brush Drawing — a Basic Course.